The agreement of Nagoya laser technopole

Enforced on May 14th, 1990
Revised on May 30th,2000, Revised on May 22th, 2006
Revised on Oct. 27th,2008, Revised on May 26th, 2009
Revised on May 26th,2010, Revised on May 25th, 2015

1. Naming
 Our society is called as Nagoya Laser Technopole.
 The abbreviation is “Nagoya Laser”.

2. Propose
 Nagoya Laser technopole has following activities for practical applications of laser technology as a cooperative works.
 Main items of our activities
  ⅰ. Correction of documents on laser technology, Filing of data on laser applications,
    Cooperative research, Making of data base, visit of factory, Presentation of research,
    Report on advanced laser technology in foreign countries and so on.
  ⅱ. Planning and operation of cooperative research
  ⅲ. Technical seminar and technical course on laser technology for popularization of laser.
  ⅳ. Interchange of personnel and cultivation on laser application.
  ⅴ. the others:The activities which are necessary to Nagoya Laser Technopole

3. Organization of Nagoya Laser Technopole
  Nagoya Laser Technopole is organized by the following members who are agree with our purpose.
  ⅰ. Individual member who agree with our purpose
  ⅱ. Company member which agree with our purpose and support our purpose
  ⅲ. Honorary member who was recommended to the annual meeting
    by president of Nagoya Laser Technopole as a person who was the past president
    or made the great contribution to our society.
  ⅳ. Recommended Member who was recommended to the annual meeting
    by president of Nagoya Laser Technopole as a person
    who representatives of other laser society.
  ⅴ. Student member who is university student who is agree with
    the purpose of Nagoya Laser Technopole.
 If necessary, Working group and Sub-committee can be organized.
 In such case, Working group and Sub-committee are organized by our members.
4. Main office and Secretariat
 Main office of Nagoya Laser Technopole is located in Advanced Laser Technology Research Center Co., Ltd.
 The address is as follows;
  40-7, Hiromi, Anjo-cho, Anjo-shi, Aichi-ken Japan.
 The Secretariat of Nagoya Laser Technopole is located in Advanced Laser Technology Research Center Co., Ltd.
 The address is as follows;
  40-7, Hiromi, Anjo-cho, Anjo-shi, Aichi-ken Japan.

5. Board member
  ⅰ. Election of board member
    One honorary president, one President, two Vice president, one senior secretary,
    several secretaries are elected by the board member of the administrative board of
    Nagoya Laser Technopole.
    In addition, technical advisers can be elected by the board member.
    President and vice president are elected each other from the member.
    The honorary president, the senior secretary and secretaries are recommended
    by the president and elected by the member in the annual meeting.
    Two account secretaries are organized to check the our activities and account.
  ⅱ. Duty of board member
    President shall make the full management of our Nagoya Laser Technopole.
    Vice president shall support the president and act for the president.
    Honorary president shall support the president as an adviser.
    Senior secretary and secretaries act for practical business.
    Account secretary audit the account of our Nagoya Laser technopole.
  ⅲ. Iii The Term
    The term of board members are two years.
    The reelection of board member is possible.

6. Operational permit
 Four technical seminars, several secretary meeting, and other meeting are
 scheduled each year by Nagoya Laser Technopole.
 Secretary meeting and other meeting are scheduled by the president of
 Nagoya Laser Technopole.

7. Operational fee
 The operational fee can be supplied by the company member fee (50,000Yen)
 and individual member fee(5,000Yen).
 Operation fee is decided and supplied by the account plan which is accepted in the annual meeting.
 However, research fee of cooperative research is decided in other way.
 The member fee of honorary member, recommended Member and student member is Free of charge.

8. Oath item
 The agreement of Nagoya Laser Technopole can be changed by the judgement of annual meeting.

【Reference 】 
【Admission fee and annual member fee】

 Annual feeAdmission fee
(1)Individual member 5,000Yen Free of charge
(2)Company member 50,000Yen Free of charge
(3)Honorary member Free of charge Free of charge
(4)Recommended member Free of charge Free of charge
(5)Student member Free of charge Free of charge

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