- Nagoya Laser Technopole is now active in opening of technical seminar and laser forum, and issue of Nagoya Laser News for the developments of and popularization of laser technology at Nagoya area.

Purpose of Establishment
Considering the developments of advanced science and technology and production
technology, Nagoya Laser technopole has been funded in Nagoya area on May
14th, 1990.
As you know, the diverse systems of Human Society are required in the
information intensive society. From the view point of design, materials,
material processing and evaluation of property, corresponding of technology
has been diversified.
On the other hand, applications of laser technology which is one of great invention in 20 centuries are expanded in last 10 years. Especially in developed countries, it is used in the fields of communication, information technology、medical field 、material processing, inspection and measurement, illumination and science. Various kinds of laser facility can be applied. Our society has pick up especially the production technology such as material processing, measurement and inspection. CO2 laser, YAG laser, Excimer laser(UV laser), Diode laser are now used in various industries.
Our Nagoya area has a lot of automotive industry, machine tool industry, aerospace industry, metal work industry, and ceramics industry. So, Nagoya area is the center of laser application. Developed laser technology is not only conventional process but also new process as a technology which has a characteristics of high energy light.
As laser is called as a “Quantum Machine”, scientific knowledges are required
for the applications. On the other hand, Technological and actual knowledges
are required for the applications in the fields of material processing
and production technology. Laser technology is a science and technology
which will be expected by combination of scientific and technical knowledges
as a key technology in 21 century.
So, it is necessary that researcher, engineer、and skillful technician
meet together, and discuss on development of laser technology at Nagoya
area. In 1990, more than 2000 laser machines have been produced in Japan.
It means about 35% of world wide production. Nagoya area is lower level
than Tokyo area and Osaka area from the view point of international research
and development, information exchange, popularization.
Then, Nagoya Laser Technopole has been funded as a place where a lot of
researcher, engineer、and skillful technician meet together, and promote
the developments of laser applications in the near future by appealing
to university, governments and companies in Nagoya area. Hoping that Nagoya
Laser Technolope can receive and dispatch the information of laser technology
through their activities of correction of laser technology, technical seminar,
promotion of cooperative research, factory observation on laser technology.
On May 14th1990
Operational Plan
Nagoya Laser technopole has following activities for practical applications of laser technology.
Main items of Activities
1) Correction of documents on laser technology, Filing of data on laser
applications, Cooperative research. Making of data base, factory visiting,
Report on advanced laser technology in foreign countries and so on.
2) Planning and operation of cooperative research
3) Technical seminar and technical course for popularization of laser technology
4) Interchange of personnel and cultivation on laser application
5) the others: The activities which are necessary to laser applications